(Please see Notes below).
1960-1961: Discovering
a new rule in the Number Theory: "Developing Periodicity". (a)
May 1969: Article: "The Principle of Energy Distribution",
(in Hebrew). (b)
October 1969: Article:
"Non-Existence of Time from the Physical Point of View ", (in Hebrew). (c)
September 1970: Article: "Non-Existence of
Time and Space", (in Hebrew). (d)
January 1972: Article: "Motion, Space, Time and Matter", (in English). (e)
1983: Started developing a new physical
theory in Elementary Particles field, "The Oron Sea Theory"
(OST). (f)
1995-1998: Articles
in High Energy Physics regarding Quark Masses, such as "Quark-Tree Model for Precise Determination of Quark Masses", "Theoretical
Particle Microscope", etc. (in English). (g)
April 2002: Article "Remote Controllers for Creating Matter in Space". (in English). (h)
March 2007: Article "Black Hole as Transparent hole at the bottom of Double- Spiral Funnel-Vortex (in English). (i)
(a) I discovered the mathematical phenomenon, or rule, which I call "Developing Periodicity".
This was in 1960-1961 while I was about 13-14 years old in the youth village Aloney Yitzchak, Israel. The rule says that if you repeat a specific action
again and again over the results, you may get development of periodical structures. For instance, if you multiply a number
again and again, and you write horizontally each result below the preceding result, you will get developing periodicity of
serial numbers in the vertical columns. For instance, if you use the number 2 and multiply it again and again, you get at
the first column (from the right) the periodic series of the 4 digits: 2, 4, 8, 6. In
the second column you get the periodical series of the 20 digits: 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2, 4, 9, 9, 8, 6, 3, 7, 4, 4, 8, 7, 5,
0, 0. In The third column you get periodical series of 100 digits, starting
with: 1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3 .... In the forth column you get a periodical series
with 500 digits, starting with: 1, 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7.... Here the column starts like the first column (except
the digit 1 at the beginning), but it continue with 5, etc. The fifth column starts as the second column. The sixth column
starts as the third column. The seven column starts as the first column, but changed earlier than the third column: 1, 2,
4, 8, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8, 6. We see in this example the rule (or phenomenon) "Developing Periodicity" of the series in the
vertical columns. I have used this rule, at those times, to explain the interesting phenomenon in the Number Theory. In addition
I have deduced from this rule onto many phenomena over the whole Nature, such as the orbits of the Sun, the shape
of a snail, etc. My teacher then, Mr. Osi (Mosses) Biderman, has encouraged me to continue with the creative thinking.
I had the opportunity to thank him on March 6, 2002, in the memorial day to the 25th year ceremony from his death. See my speech by clicking the page "Other Subjects"
in the Navigator bar above. There click on "Aloney Yitzchak" to jump to the speech.
When I was at a summer vacation in Tel-Aviv, in about 1962, I heard a popular lecture from the famous Israeli chemist-physicist,
Professor Aharon Katzir. He was a wonderful person and agreed to meet me at his home in Tel Aviv despite of my young age.
I showed him my new mathematical rule. Prof. Katzir was impressed and encouraged me to continue the research. (See a link
to the center in memorial of Prof. Aharon Katzir in the page "Important Links" at the Navigator bar above). In 1969 I printed
the new rule within my article "The Principle of Energy Distribution". Many years later I noticed that my childhood rule "Developing
Periodicity" might be the key to the famous Chaos Theory, which was developed since 1963 by others, probably without any connection
to my rule.
My article "The Principle of Energy Distribution" (in Hebrew) submitted to the Israeli Journal
"Mada", on May 1969. It not accepted for publishing. The article used the "Developing Periodicity" from 1960 to explain the
interactions between particles in physics. Years later I have noticed that some of my ideas in that article are used in the
commonly accepted theories of others, probably without any connection to my ideas. Some of the ideas in the article may be
of interest even today. For reading the Full Article "The Principle of Energy Distribution" (in Hebrew)in this site please
click HERE.
(c) My article "Non-Existence
of Time from the Physical Point of View" (in Hebrew), from 19 October 1969, was sent to Prof. Aharon Katzir, as my response
to his wonderful public lecture about the internal clocks of living objects. In my article, I showed that from the Relativity
Theory of Einstein one may deduce that time does not exist as a factor in Nature, especially not for a Photon which moves
in the speed of light in vacuum. I have also suggested in that article to regard "changes" for describing "motions".
Prof. Katzir answered in his kindly reply letter, from 29 December 1969, that he had found interest in my attitude. However,
my idea was so unusual for those times that Prof. Katzir had regarded it as a philosophical idea, rather than a scientific
one. Prof. Katzir, though, has noted that there is a connection between the philosophic time and the scientific time. The
reply of Prof. Katzir brought me to the understanding that there is a long way to go before science will accept the idea that
time does not physically exist. I decided that this is a task which I will have to do, probably all my life, but that humanity
deserves to change its old attitude regarding the notion of time. Therefore, I have continued to develop the idea, as we shall
see below. I am glad to tell that since those days, at the end of the 60s, science has moved forward a long way. Today, there
are other scientists who thinks that time does not physically exist. For example, in September 1999 a book was published under
the title "The End Of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics", by Julian B. Barbour. I could not reach the book itself but from
his site in the Internet I understood he declares that time does not exist and that "motions" should be described by
"changes". However, Mr. Barbour did only the first step, which I have started over 32 years ago on October 1969. There are
many more logical steps ahead, as we shall see in the following ideas, regarding the non-existence of time and space and the
many consequences I have deduced along my articles. For visiting the site of Mr. Barbour go to the page "Important Links"
at the Navigator bar above.
To download the Article "Not Physical existence of Time" 1969, and the reply of Prof. Katzir,
go to the specific line at the bottom of this page.
(d) My article "Non-Existence of Time and Space" (in Hebrew), from September 1970,
is a broadening of my previous article, "Non-Existence of Time from the Physical Point of View". The idea was simple: since
time and space are connected via the equations of the Relativity Theory, deletion of time implies deletion of space. The broaden
article was sent to Prof. Aharon Katzir, on 29 September
1969, and to famous Israeli physicists: Prof. Yuval Neeman, Prof. Yakir Aharonov and Prof. Nissan Zeldes (who was my lecturer
in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Prof.
Katzir did not responed. He was probably abroad at those years. (As we all deeply sorry, in 1972 Prof. Aharon Katzir was murdered
by a Japaneas terorist in the Tel-Aviv airport, Israel, when he return to Israel). Prof. Aharonov told me he did not agree
with the idea that time and space does not exist. However he suggested to me to study General Relativity. Therefore, I did
the Master thesis in General Relativity and Cosmology. Prof. Neeman, who wrote an interesting article "The Arrows of Time"
(in Hebrew) (1969), did not responded to my article. Prof. Zeldes returned the article with many notes. We had a long conversation
on the subject. He also could not accept the idea that time and space does not exist. However, Prof. Zeldes asked me two important
questions: If time and space do not exist, what does it mean for the science? and
what could become instead of time and space? Moreover, not only that none of
those three important physicists have accepted my idea, but neither of them had mentioned someone else who may suggest, at
those days, to regard time and space as non existence from the physical point of view. Today there are other scientists who
think that time does not exist, including the book mentioned above by Mr. Barbour from 1999 "The End Of Time: The Next Revolution
in Physics". Anyway, the questions Prof. Zeldes asked have encouraged me to go into deep intellectual research of those
aspects. Some of the following articles are the results of that research. Lastly I have received an important support
in my theory about the Non-Existance of Time and Space. In view of this theory, there is no upper limit to the speed of
entities. There are expected physical entities that move faster than the speed of light in vacuum, c. In the issue of
the journal Nature of 8 August 2002,p. 602, there is an article title:
Black holes constrain varying constants". That article discuss the possibility that cosmological experiments shows that the
speed of light is greater than c. Such a result may support my theory that Time and Space are not physical entities. For
seeing the article of Nature got to the page "Important Links" in the Navigator bar above.
To download the article "Non-existenc of Time and Space" 1970 (Hebrew), go to the specific line
at the bottom of this page.
(e) My article "Motion, Space, Time and Matter" (in English)
was sent in 30 January 1972 to Dr. D.G. Whithrow from the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College of Science and Technology,
London. This article was my response to a specific sentence in Dr. Withrows book "The Natural Philosophy of Time". In my article,
I proceeded to the next step by using the concept of "motion" as an entity which might replace the needs in our mind to the
concepts space and time. From the reply of Dr. Withrow of 21 Feb. 1972, it is clear that my idea was not familiar to him even
in the philosophical point of view.
(f) "The Oron Sea Theory" (OST) was initially developed by me since 1983.
This theory is a direct continuation of the above theory "Non-Existence of Time and Space". The root of OST is the concept
that if time and space do not physically exist - there is no meaning to the scales of time and space. Therefore, any phenomenon
existing within a fluid may be analogous in all the other scales, including the scales of cosmology and the scales of sub-elementary
substance particles, which I call the Oron Sea. My first manuscript of OST (in Hebrew) submitted in 1983 to Prof. Nissan
Zeldes from the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. The OST theory is the basis for my other articles, including the article "Remote Controllers
for Creating Matter in Space" from April 2002. In the introduction of that article, I explain the successful forecasts I have
done in OST regarding many physical phenomena, which have come true in recent years. See more about OST at the beginning
of this page.
(g) My article "Quark-Tree Model for Precise Determination
of Quark Masses" (in English), was sent to Physical Review D on 17 December 1995 (No. SM5606D). This article was the first in a series of
articles in Theoretical Elementary Particles physics, which I have developed during the years 1995-1998. The article not published
due to technical reasons. The other articles written under the title: "Theoretical Particle Microscope" (TPM). I submitted them to Prof. Yossi Nir from the Department of Theoretical Physics in the Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot,
Israel. In those articles I assume that the
quark masses might be arranged in a geometrical series. The exact parameters of that geometrical series should be found in
experiments. If they found, one may theoretically decompose each elementary particle into its quarks and gluons. TPM also
enables the discovery of the most interesting correlations between families of elementary particles. Prof. Nir did not agree
with my basic assumption regarding a geometrical series for quark masses. He suggested to me to learn deeply the technical
details of the experiments and theories on the subject. Unfortunately, due to my preoccupation with the IAI lawsuit, I could
not dedicate the time required for such studies. Anyway, the other articles in the series not sent for publishing. I am waiting
to see if the intensive experiments over the world, that aim to find the exact quarks masses, will justify my hypothesis
regarding a geometrical series. If they do, my new TPM theory will be a very useful tool for elementary particles physicists.
See more on this Article at the beginning of this page.
On 29 September
2003 I have sent the article on
this issue to an important professional physics journal where I mentioned the new developments in this subject and show
that my idea, geometric series of the quark masses, should regarded now very seriously. But the responce was that my article
is too numerically and therefore they do not accept it for publishing.
(h) The article
"Remote Controllers for Creating Matter in Space", from April 23, 2002, submitted to science editors of big Newspapers for publishing. But
was not published. See more about this Article at the beginning of this page.
The article "Black Hole as Transparent hole at the bottom of Double-Spiral Funnel-Vortex" , March 2007, was sent to several
professors in Israel in the field of Astrophysics. Thier remarks have led me to develop a series of articles in Astrophysics,
Quantum, Gasses, etc. Click on the next third line to download that article on "Transparent black hole".