Oron Sea - The Medium Under Elementary Particles and Photons
The Oron Sea Theory (OST) is a new theory, introduced here for the first time, which tries to
give reasonable answers to open issues in physics, and especially in elementary particles. This theory explains quantum numbers
like mass, electric charge, spin and other properties of an elementary particle; What are the roots of gravitational, electromagnetic,
strong and weak forces; What composed the elementary particles; Why it is so hard to find a free quark; Why certain particles
combine to give other particles, and what are the reasons to the mysterious rules of addition quantum numbers. All this and
much more may be explained by the very simple theory OST. There are many examples in Nature where a behavior of many bodies
creates phenomena. For instance the behavior of many molecules in ocean create waves, streams and vortexes; the behavior of
many stars create galaxies, etc. On the other end, modern physics shows that one may explain the behavior of any body by assuming
it consists of many phenomena like waves. Moreover, a phenomenon may be treated as a body and vice versa. For instance a galaxy
may be treated as a phenomenon which is created by many stars; at the same time one may treat it also as a body when dealing
with a cluster of galaxies. Another important feature is that frequently Nature uses more than 1011 bodies for
creating a phenomenon, e.g. the number of stars in some galaxies. All those points raise the question whether it is possible
that Nature repeat itself again in the level of elementary particles and photons. Is it possible that a photon or any other
elementary particle, like an electron, is composed of much more than 1011 particles. And if the answer is positive
what may be the properties of such particles. The Oron Sea Theory assumes that the answer is positive and it tries to investigate
possible characters of such particles.
- Oron Sea Theory
OST assumes that all the phenomena in Nature may be explained by the behavior of many particles,
named here "orons. Those orons are supposed to be very tinny, probably much less than 10-18 cm. Their rest masses
are supposed to be much less than 10-35 gr., and they probably move in very high velocities, may be 1 cm/s, or
less, lower than the theoretical speed of light in vacuum, c. That means velocities which are differ than c by a factor of
only less than 10-10. We may treat them as super relativistic super tinny particles. (The meaning of "oron" in
Hebrew is small light). OST supposes that those orons create a huge sea, called here "oron sea". Moreover, OST assumes that
in this oron sea there are all the phenomena we know in ordinary fluids, like mutual collisions between orons, waves, streams,
vortexes, etc. According to the relativistic theory such particles may change their masses and dimensions by many factors
while their velocities change by very small amounts. Thus in that oron sea there are orons of different dimensions and masses.
One may imagine a complete world of super relativistic orons. The amazing point in this oron sea is that one may explain by
it almost every phenomenon of physics and even show why some theories are correct in spite of the apparent inherent contradiction
among them, like the corpuscular and quantum theories of light. One may think of that oron sea as a super relativistic active
ether. We show latter how such an ether is consistent with Michelson-Morley experiment and how it helps to resolve the problems
which led Einstein to develop the relativistic theory. We explain by OST why this theory is correct and why, at the same time,
quantum theory have it's own justification. As we show in this article, all this new theory, OST, is simply a result of the
above mentioned characters of orons and oron sea. One has only to look down at ocean or up to the sky and find out similarities
between phenomena there and phenomena in elementary particles. Some references to be mentioned here are {1}, {2}, and {3}.
In order to show how simple and useful is OST we bring in this first article some important examples, without mathematics,
to such similarities. Other examples we hope to bring in other article where we may also bring our explanation to the behavior
of orons in Oron Sea. There it might be more adequate to include some familiar equations from fluid dynamics. In OST we treat
Orons Sea as much as we do with an ordinary fluid, e.g. a molecular gas. The only difference is that instead of molecules
we have in OST very tinny orons moving in average speed very close to the theoretical speed of light in vacuum, c. Here too
we have many collisions among orons and we assume that all the other phenomena we know in ordinary fluid are exist in Oron
Sea too. One may wish to call this oron sea a super relativistic ether. We prefer the name "oron set" for many reasons. One
important reason is that in our case we accept phenomena in Oron Sea, like waves, streams and vortexes, which we have not
seen in the ordinary theories of ether. In any case the picture of a sea seems more adequate. The question why there exists
Oron Sea should be answered by a deeper theory, regarding space and time, which is the subject of one of our articles in the
near future. According to OST in that oron sea the known bodies are imbedded and move as a result of streams of orons. As
in any ordinary fluid, one may treat two situations. The first is a situation of a quiet sea or rest sea, where in any volume
of fluid the net directions of the linear or rotational velocities of the particles, which compose that fluid, is zero. The
other situation is that of a non-quiet, or turbulent, sea where one may find many phenomena like streams, waves and different
kinds of vortexes. In OST we assume that all the phenomena in Nature are the expressions of streams, waves and vortexes in
a non-quiet, or turbulent, oron set. Generally, the correspondences between OST and fluid dynamics is as follows: streams
of orons are the carriers of energy; velocities distributions of orons are fields potentials; collisions between streams of
orons are the responsible to some kinds of forces; waves of orons are electromagnetic and other waves; vortexes of orons are
photons and other elementary particles and huge multi-vortexes are macro bodies.
Heat and Vacuum:
Let us imagine some volume of fluid in a quiet oron sea. Suppose now that at a specific moment
a stream of orons arrives from outside that volume. This should cause the oron sea inside it to become non-quiet, or turbulently,
with many streams, waves and vortexes. Thus elementary particles, of different kinds, are created (as vortexes) and gain velocities,
in all directions, as the result of the many streams. They start to collide among themselves and reach, eventually, some average
free flight velocity. If one directs more streams toward that volume the oron sea in it becomes more stormy and the average
free flight velocity of those particles increases. Thus the amount of none quietness of the oron sea plays the same role as
a temperature. This simple example explains what is heat and what is the mysterious quantity that is transferred from a hot
place to a colder one. That quantity is no more than streams of orons. The orons are so small they may penetrate very easily
any elementary particle. Their collisions with other orons which composed the elementary particles, as we explain immediately,
bring to changes in the motions of those particles, as much as happens to vortexes in ocean which are moved by streams of
water. This hint shows one how to resolve the mystery of heat theory. It also explains what is the strange "vacuum" in which
particles are created and destroyed in pairs. This "vacuum" is nothing else than a quiet oron sea. All those phenomena are
known very well in ordinary fluids. Thus we shell not repeat in this article on the mathematics of fluid dynamics. We prefer
also not to use here equations of relativistic fluid dynamics since we don't want to use the old concepts of energy, forces,
etc., which we wish to explain in later articles by this simple theory OST. Thus we give mainly qualitative explanations while
keeping in mind that there are many elementary books where one may find the mathematical justifications to the familiar phenomena
we bring.
Forces and Energy:
Now we would like to use Oron Sea theory for explaining the most mysterious beyond forces and
energy. In OST we define a force as the spatial-gradient of the net velocity of a group of orons. we also define in OST energy
as the time-gradient of the net velocity of group of orons. Those definitions of force and energy seems to us adequate in
any fluid. They make all the mathematical treatments in fluids very simple. But since we wish to bring in this first article
on OST only the main ideas, which are many, we shell not go now into mathematical treatments. In consistency with that definition
of force all the forces in Nature are regarded in OST as the outcomes of the influences of one stream of orons on another
stream or vortex of orons. If two equal streams of orons are streaming on the same line with opposite directions, than, while
they collide, the streams in those directions become weaker and there are created streams backward in addition to two equal
and opposite streams in the vertical direction to that line. Let us call this phenomenon: "the interaction of two opposite
streams". If two streams of orons are parallel, in the same direction, and they are close enough, they attract each other.
Much as it happens in ordinary fluid and because of similar reasons. Let us call this phenomenon: "the interaction of two
parallel streams". Those two kinds of interactions give us some hints to the possible reasons for repulsive and attractive
forces in Nature. But if we wish to understand those forces much better we have to look deeply into an elementary particle
and find out how the four basic forces in Nature are created.
- Funnel Vortex
One of the best examples we have found, of a macro representative of some basic elementary particles,
is a funnel vortex, like Tornado in a Thunderstorm, {3}. As we show here such funnel vortexes have all the characters we are
used to regard to an electron or a proton. The explanations of those characters may best be given with the aid of Fig. 1.
In this figure the spiral lines represents the spiral streams of the funnel vortex of orons in oron sea. The doted lines represent
other streams connected to the spiraling vortex. The letters in this figure represent the forces due to those streams. Let
us see qualitatively those forces one by one. Gravitational and Inertial mass: The gravitational field, represented in Fig.
1 by the letter "G", is due to the behavior of this funnel vortex as a sink. Classic argumentation from fluid mechanics shows
it very clearly. See Art. 56 in {1} and Sec. 2.5 in {2}. There is a full analogy between the rate flow of a fluid toward a
sink and the gravitational field. Both depend on the distance to the center, r, like 1/r, at least when r is great enough.
The irrotational velocity field of a fluid toward a sink have exactly the same equations as those of the gravitational force.
The strength of that sink, J, which we define here as the rate of orons' flow through the funnel vortex, seems to us as the
reasonable representative of the gravitational mass, m, of an elementary particle. Thus in OST we recognize, up to a factor,
J as m. We also know from fluid mechanics that if J is higher, than one may need a stronger stream to push the vortex. Thus
J may represent also the inertial mass of an elementary particle. This explanation solves the old question about the identity
between gravitational mass and inertial mass. The strength of the vortex as a sink, J, may also be a measure of the volume
of the funnel vortex as long as we deal with funnels which have the same slope, i.e. the same cone angle. This feature connects,
from another point of view, the mass (strength) of a funnel vortex with it's volume; a concept to which we are used while
treating mass. Thus we see that funnel vortex in orons sea enable one to identify gravitational mass, with the strength of
the vortex as a sink, its volume and it's inertial mass.
Electric Force:
The idea of oron sea was first recognized by us in 1983. But we have not published it until
we have found a reasonable explanation to the parameter of electric charge. The explanation we give here should be considered
again when one read our explanations for compositions of elementary particles. It seems to us that the gradually rotational
velocities in the spiral streams of orons, of a funnel vortex, is the cause to the electric field of an elementary particle.
In Fig. 1. We represent this field by the letter "E". The electric charge, q, of an elementary particle seems to be due to
the amount of the slope of the funnel vortex. That means the rate of change in the rotational velocities of orons or groups
of orons, while they accelerate in spirals toward the longitudinal axis of the funnel vortex. In the case of a zero slope,
like a cylinder, the electric charge is zero. The sign of the electric charge seems to be due to the direction of rotation
of the spiral, whether it is clockwise or anticlockwise. As in fluid mechanics two vortexes with the same rotational directions
push each other; while two vortexes with opposite rotational directions attract each other. The dependence on the distance
between the two vortexes is the same in fluids and in electric field. The reason to this behavior of vortexes in ordinary
fluids may be found in elementary books. Here we may explain it qualitatively by Fig. (?). When two vortexes of the same rotational
directions become close more and more the rotational streams of the two vortexes collide and, as mentioned above, there are
created opposite streams in the vertical directions to the line of collision. Thus we have the phenomenon of interaction of
two opposite streams. In our case this means that streams are created toward the longitudinal axes of the two vortexes, which
cause each of the vortexes to be pushed in the directions of those new streams. Thus we have a repulsive force. When two vortexes
have opposite rotational directions than, on a line that is perpendicular to their longitudinal axes and connects those axes,
the streams of the two vortexes are parallel. Thus, we have a phenomenon of interaction of two parallel streams, and the streams
attract each other. This cause the two vortexes to be pulled toward each other. This phenomena may be understood better while
one looks at attraction between two opposite vortexes in an ordinary fluid. Thus we see that one may explain attraction and
repulsive between two vortexes of orons. The slope of the funnel vortex is needed if we wish to explain why the attraction,
or repulsive, strength is changed while the distance between the vortexes is changed. The rotational motion of orons in the
vortex give rise to the property of the vortex as having a spin as we explain later. While the slope of the funnel vortex
give rise to the electric charge. Thus elementary particles with zero electric charge are supposed to be cylindrical vortexes,
like pipes, without any slope. We shall bring latter few examples.
Magnetic Force
The magnetic field, in OST, seems to be due to turbulent streams of orons out of the narrow
side of the funnel vortex toward it's wide edge, as one may see in Fig. 1. We marked those streams in this figure by the letter
"M". This phenomenon may be seen in pictures of Tornadoes or in other funnel vortexes in ordinary fluids. It is clear that
if we bring two such vortexes while the narrow sides of their funnels are oppose to each other, than those streams push each
other backward and we have a repulsive force. If we bring two vortexes while the wide sides of their funnels are opposed,
than the streams of one funnel, which do all the way around from it's narrow side, opposed the same streams of the other funnel.
Thus we have again a repulsive force. If we bring the narrow side of one funnel vortex close above the wide side of a second
vortex, than this second vortex attract the first one since this wide edge is the place through which orons are pulled into
the vortex. Thus we see that one may treat a funnel vortex as a magneton, of which the narrow side of it's funnel is the "South"
side, and the wide side may be treated as the "North" side of that magneton. That choice of South and North is, clearly, only
for our convenient. Thus we see that the magnetic force is also a result of interactions of oron streams which are created
by funnel vortexes. There should be a correlation between the electric and magnetic fields created in that way by the same
funnel vortex. This correlation should be of the same kind as in vortexes of ordinary fluids. Electromagnetic field: Electromagnetic
field may be explained simply by the following reasoning. In ordinary fluids if one creates for a short period a vortex in
a rest fluid, this vortex disappear gradually while creating smaller vortexes around it with opposite rotational directions.
Each of the small vortexes disappears gradually while creating around it much smaller vortexes with opposite directions to
the secondary vortexes, and so on. The total vorticity of the fluid is constant. But as time passes the front of the rotational
fluid become farther from the original vortex while there are vortexes of interchanging rotational directions all over the
inner volume of that front. If the original vortex continue to exist, like a motor inside that fluid, we receive around it
a field of interchanging vortexes with decreasing sizes as we go away of that motor. Thus we have a standing wave of vortexes.
If in addition the original vortex oscillates we receive a transverse wave of vortexes. In OST we assume that the same phenomena
occurs in Oron Sea. Thus the spiral streams of a moving funnel vortex of orons create many small secondary funnel vortexes
around that funnel. Each of the secondary funnel vortexes may disappear while it creates around itself much smaller funnel
vortexes, and so on. We see here all Huygens wave theory, which, in fact, was taken from fluid's phenomena. In OST we regard
a pair of cylindrical vortexes of orons as a photon. Like the case of "vortex-tube" in Sec. 2.6 of Ref. 2 we expect that a
cylindrical vortex of orons create, while moving in the direction of it's longitude axis, streams like those of the "magnetic
streams", marked by "M", in Fig. 1. If such a vortex move in the transverse direction to it's longitudinal axis, one may expect
to find a transverse wave of cylindrical vortexes of alternating rotational directions. As one may see in the nice photographs
of {2}, there are in ordinary fluids waves of "vortex streets". We assume in OST that the same waves of vortex streets exist
also in oron sea. This wave may propagate in the speed of light because that is the free flight speed of the orons. Thus an
electromagnetic wave is probably a vortex street in oron sea, which is created by a movement, linear or non- linear, of a
vortex. The wave length of that wave is the distance between three vortexes, that is between two vortexes of the same rotational
direction. It propagates with the speed of light if it does not encounter other vortexes, that means in a quiet oron sea,
or what is regarded as a vacuum, as we have explained above. That wavelength may be changed if that street vortex encounter
another vortex. The reasoning to such a change is that while the pair of vortexes pass near a third vortex one of the vortex
of the pair may be attracted to the third vortex , and the other vortex of that pair may be repulsed by the third vortex.
Thus in addition to the influence of the third vortex on the direction of that pair, it may influence also the distance between
the vortexes of every pair. Since this process may append to more than one pair in the chain we receive a change in direction
and wavelength of that wave. This explains Compton effect. If the pair of vortexes, which we recognize as a photon, passes
too close to a third vortex, e.g. an electron vortex, this pair may be captured by the strong streams of the third vortex,
and since the pair have a great linear velocity, close to the speed of light in vacuum, both, the pair with the third vortex,
receive a great linear velocity. This explain the photoelectric effect. Thus we see how that pair (photon) behaves like a
corpuscular particle. During the movement of that complex together, the electron and the photon, there is a possibility to
a department between them. Thus we may receive back an electron and a photon. Now we come to interference phenomena. If two
equal vortexes with opposite rotational directions meet, they attract each other and there is a mutual annihilation, as we
explain later. If they have the same rotational direction they repulse each other. Now, when two street vortexes, which was
originated by the same vortex, and who pass the same distances from that source, meet in a specific point far away of that
source, their equal vortexes may meet either with equal rotational direction or with opposite rotational direction. In the
first case they repulse each other and we receive a stronger intensity of light in that point, while in the second case there
is a complete annihilation of both vortexes and the intensity from that pion is zero. If the vortexes that meet are not equal
in size than we receive a partial gain or annihilation. This explains interference. The dispersion of light while it propagates
is clear from the mechanism we have described above regarding creation of secondary vortexes. Thus we see that light may behave
as corpuscular photon and as a wave at the same time. This solve the mysterious beyond the duality of light. Thus in every
point, far away from the original funnel vortex, there are small electric and magnetic forces due to the very small cylindrical
vortexes in that point. So we receive the electromagnetic field around a moving funnel vortex as many small cylindrical vortexes
which become more and more smaller when the distance from the original vortex enhanced. A deeper treatment in electromagnetism
may be given in another article, which may give also our corrections to the correspondence between parameters of fluid dynamics
and those of electromagnetism. Such a correspondence is given in Sec. 148 of {1}. But we hope to bring more adequate correspondence.
We may remind here also chapter 2 of Ref. 2, which includes also a treatment on the vorticity distribution connected with
a cylindrical sheet vortex. Some equations there resemble important equations of electromagnetism. Strong Force: OST helps
us to guess what is the reason to the strong force. Let us look again at the funnel vortex in Fig. 1. It is clear that when
one goes very close to the funnel vortex the streams are in the strongest intensity and the spiral become more and more align
with the longitudinal axis of the vortex. In Fig. 1 we marked those streams by the letter "S". We expect to find in this area
a behavior that resembles the strong force. That means a force that it's dependance on r is like Yukawa force, or something
very close to it. If one brings very close two equal funnel vortexes, with the same rotational directions, one get a very
strong repulsive force, due to the very strong streams in that area, and due to the interaction between opposite streams,
we have mentioned above. If one brings very close two equal funnel vortexes, with opposite rotational directions, one get
very strong attractive force due to interaction between parallel streams. In this case the funnel vortexes may go one into
the other until they merge. In this moment their streams are opposite in every point of their funnels and there is an immediate
mutual annihilation of the two funnel vortexes. They are destroyed and their orons are spread in all directions, with possible
creation of spreading waves of small cylindrical vortexes, which we have recognized as electromagnetic waves. If one brings
very close two unequal funnel vortexes of opposite rotational directions than either the small vortex may be captured by the
spiral streams of the bigger vortex until it is thrown very strongly away, when reaching the narrow side of the bigger vortex,
or it may do very rapid orbits around the big vortex. Another possibility is that the small vortex may enter to the quiet
cone of the big funnel vortex. We explain "quiet cone" in the next paragraph. We shall come back to those situations while
treating interactions between an electron and a proton. If there are three funnel vortexes, of which two are equal in everything,
including their rotational directions, and the other one is smaller, with opposite rotational direction, we may get a stable
situation. The smaller vortex may do orbits around both equal vortexes in the same manner an electron do orbits around two
atoms. Only that now we deal with much stronger forces and much rapid orbits. Such a small vortex might be a gluon in QCD.
We shell talk about quarks in section 5.
Weak Force:
The weak force may be explained by OST as the result of the possibility that near the longitudinal
axis of a funnel vortex there should be a region of no streams, or very weak streams. In a Tornado we use to call this region
"the eye of the Tornado", or simply, the quiet region. Here we may call it : "quiet cone". One may see such a quiet cone in
any vortex of water and even in a cup of tea. See also photographs in Ref. 2. In Fig. 1 we have marked that region by the
letter "W". Any Small vortex inside this quiet cone may feel only weak streams, that means weak forces. This simple explanation
to the weak forces may help us to understand how elementary particles are composed of other elementary particles. We shall
deal in this issue latter in this article. Spin: One of the most important quantum numbers of an elementary particle is the
spin. OST helps us to explain this parameter and the reason to the rules of addition spins. It is clear that every vortex
has an angular momentum, since it has rotational velocities of orons. The rotational direction may be clockwise or anticlockwise,
while looking from a specific angle. The rotational streams of a vortex cause every linear stream, which passes near that
vortex, to be banded, as one may see in the photographs of Ref. 2. In ordinary fluids the characteristics of the medium, like
viscosity, density etc., determined how such a linear stream be banded, or pushed, because of the rotational streams of a
vortex. In OST we say the same. It seems to us that Planck's constant, h, is a characteristic of the medium, that means of
oron sea. It seems to us also that 0.5h gives the amount of the push, or action (momentum*length), that a linear stream of
orons, and any particle (vortex) within it, may feel while passing near by any other vortex of orons in oron set. We call
this property of a vortex it's spin and we say that it has spin 1/2. If we accept that point of view we may explain all the
spins of elementary particles in a very simple way. In the following explanations we use Fig. (?). Let us start with two vortexes
, not necessary of equal sizes. Suppose both have opposite rotational directions. If they become close, like in the case of
a photon, any stream which passes between them may feel two pushes, as one may see in a picture of a vortex street in Ref.
2. Thus the total spin of that pair is 1. This may explain the spin 1 of a photon. It also explain the connection between
energy and frequency of a photon. According to our determination of wavelength above, that frequency is in fact the frequency
of the pushes of that photon, each push is of the action h. Since action is also energy x time we have the known connection.
If the two vortexes have the same rotational direction than, when they come close, the closets rotational streams of both
are opposite. Thus there is no any action on any linear stream which tries to pass between them. Thus the total spin of those
two vortexes together is zero. This may explain the spin zero of charged mesons. One vortex inside the other leave the spin
unchanged, since streams outside the big vortex do not feel the inner vortex. This explain the spin 1/2 of many barions. From
that figure one see the simple explanation of omega minus. It is constructed of lamda, pi minus and pi zero. There are three
pushes to a stream which may passes between those three particles. Thus the total spin is 3/2. It is interesting to see also
from that figure a possible explanation why there can't exist a quasi stable omega plus. The reason is that in such a case
the streams of pi plus would be opposite to the streams of the lamda, which are of the same as those of a proton. Thus the
pi plus would have to be in a higher orbital around lamda, and may collide with the pi zero and the whole complex would be
departed. Those hints for combining elementary particles may help, in addition to other hints which we explain in the following
paragraphs, and to get a very solid way to find the compositions of all the elementary particles known up today. Antiparticle:
Another important issue concerns the notion of an antiparticle. In OST we regard a specific elementary particle as a specific
funnel vortex of orons in oron sea. The antiparticle of that particle seems to be the same funnel vortex but with opposite
rotational direction. It has the same mass, electric charge, spin and other quantum numbers, except opposite sign of the electric
charge and any other property that may be connected to the rotational direction of the funnel vortex. As in ordinary fluids,
vortexes are created in pairs of opposite rotational directions. A stream of water which passed trough a quiet pool creates
pairs of vortexes along it's path. Thus in OST we say that a stream of orons creates pairs of funnel vortexes (elementary
particles) along it's path. We wish to finish this paragraph by pointing out that according to our concept, it seams clear
why the three forces: electromagnetic, strong and weak, can be unified; while it is so difficult to include the gravitational
force too. The reason is that those three forces are connected, directly or indirectly, to the circulation of the funnel vortex.
While the gravitational force is due mainly to the behavior of the funnel vortex as a sink. We know that one do not find,
in ordinary free fluid, a sink which is not a vortex too. That is why a particle who has a mass has also a spin and/or other
quantum numbers connected to vortexes. (We show latter that mesons are composed of basic elementary particles, which have
a spin. Thus they do not violate our conclusions here.) This connection between mass and spiral streams is also the clue to
idea of general relativity that a body moves in non-straight lines or banded lines. The explanation of a gravitational force
as due to streams which are converged toward a sink, give also the clue to Einstein idea of identifying between acceleration
and gravitation. A particle (funnel vortex) which is immersed in oron sea, and is pulled by the streams of another particle,
which behave as a sink, is accelerated with those streams toward the other particle. This acceleration, which is independent
on the intensity, J, of the second particle (vortex), as one knows from fluid dynamics, is , as we explained at the beginning
of this section, the reason to what we call gravitational acceleration. Thus OST gives reasonable explanations to the sources
of the four fundamental forces in Nature.
- Interactions Between Two Funnel Vortexes
One of the beautiful things in OST is that one may explain by it the same phenomenon from several
points of view. For instance, one may regard a funnel vortex as a multiple funnel vortex in one mother funnel vortex, or as
a funnel vortex which stands for itself. This is one of the possibilities to explain quarks. The proton, or any other elementary
particle, may be treated as a big funnel vortex or as a multiple funnel vortex in which quarks are the smaller funnel vortexes.
We may start with the first point of view. In order to treat interactions between two unequal funnel vortexes, let us forget
for a moment of quarks, and regard here proton and electron as two basic elementary particles. That means, in OST, that we
regard those two particles as simple funnel vortexes of orons in oron sea, without other vortexes inside them. We call here
the funnel vortex of the proton "proton vortex"; the funnel vortex of the electron "electron vortex" and so force with other
elementary particles. We assume that the proton vortex is much bigger than the electron vortex. We know that the rest mass
of a proton is about 1836 times higher than the rest mass of an electron. We remember that we recognize, in OST, the rest
mass of a particle as the strength of it's funnel vortex, J. We also know that proton and electron have the same amount of
electric charge with opposite signs. That means, in OST, that the rotational directions of their vortexes are opposite, but
the slopes of their funnel vortexes are the same. Thus, as we explained above, the volume of the proton vortex is 1836 times
the volume of the electron vortex. Let us assume here, only for qualitative explanation of the interactions between two unequal
funnel vortexes, that the wide side and the height of the proton vortex are about 12.2 times (third root of 1836) those of
the electron vortex. Now, there are at least three mutual situations between the electron vortex and the proton vortex. The
first situation is when the electron vortex is far away outside the proton vortex. Let us say it is at a distance 1000 times
greater than the dimensions of the wide side of the proton vortex. Since they have opposite rotational directions, the streams
of the proton vortex collide with the opposite streams of the electron vortex and we have electric attraction, as was explained
above. This gives the known behavior of an electron in an atom. We shall skip here the beautiful treatment of atom as interaction
between funnel vortexes. We may remark here only that all the quantum mechanics may be explained very simply by those interactions.
The second situation is when the electron vortex is captured by the spiral streams of the funnel vortex of a proton. There
are four possibilities. a) the electron vortex will be knocked out very strongly because of the strong streams in this area.
b) the electron vortex will be spiraled too, with the very rapid streams, and be thrown out, very strongly, when it is close
to the narrow side of the funnel proton vortex. Since there the size of the electron vortex may be of the order of the transverse
size of the funnel proton vortex. During those interactions the proton vortex may gain greater strength for a very short period,
as much as a vortex in ordinary fluid becomes stronger, at least for a short period, while there is an interaction with other
vortex. Thus the mass (strength) of the new vortex is enhanced and we have a new "particle" with it's own quantum numbers,
as imposed by the characters of the new funnel vortex. We have to remember that we deal with vortexes of orons in oron sea.
As we assumed above, those orons have velocities very close to the speed of light in vacuum, c. Thus it is expected that the
spiral streams of those vortexes have also velocities very close to c. Thus the period while an electron vortex is captured
in those spiral streams should be of the order it takes to that small vortex to pass the spiral in a velocity c, or close
to it. That explains the short life times of particles and resonances which are the results of the strong interactions. We
also understand now what is the reason to the many resonances we find in experiments of collisions in high energy. We simply
create , by those experiments, new funnel vortexes in oron sea. c) The electron vortex may do rapid orbits around the proton
vortex and very close to it. d) The electron vortex may enter into the quiet cone of the proton vortex. In this case the quiet
cone of the proton vortex may become wider and all the upper part of the funnel may expand too and get a zero slope, like
a glass cup of wine, as we show in Fig. (?). Thus the electric charge of the new vortex is zero. We treat other prosperities
of this interest situation in the following situation. Let us treat now the third situation of electron vortex and a proton
vortex. This is the situation when the electron vortex is deeply inside the proton vortex, in the quiet cone which we have
mentioned above. Here the streams are very weak and we have a very interesting phenomenon. While the electron vortex is outside
the proton vortex their streams, in the shorter line that connects those vortexes, are parallel. Thus there is an attraction
force between them, the electric or strong force, as we explained above. on the other end, when the electron vortex is inside
the quiet cone, which may be deduced as vacuum, since there are no streams of orons (quiet sea), the streams on the wall of
this quiet cone are opposite to the streams of the electron vortex, along the line that is closer to that wall. See Fig. 2.
Thus we receive a repulsive force, and the vortex electron inside that quiet cone is bounced between the walls of this cone.
Thus instead of moving very rapidly toward the narrow side of the proton vortex, as in the former case, it bounced many time
between the inside cone walls until it finds its way out of the wide side of that funnel vortex. One may see this possibility
by a simple geometry of a cone into which one directs, in specific angles, a ray of light. thus we understand, from this simple
explanation, why there are repulsive forces inside a nucleon; what is the meaning and reason to the weak force and why weak
interactions are of long life times. Since we expect that a small vortex, which sits inside a quiet cone of a bigger vortex,
be injected only through the wide side of that bigger vortex, one may see the reason to the violation of parity in weak interactions.
That explain also why there is a time violation in weak interactions. One may reverse a decay process only if one succeed
to direct the small vortex, with the adequate sign of rotational direction, exactly into the wide side of the quiet cone of
the big vortex. Thus also time symmetry is not conserved but CPT is conserved. According to that explanation, of the weak
interaction as a consequence of the behavior of a small funnel vortex inside the quiet cone of a big funnel vortex, we may
try to explain how elementary particles and resonances are created.
- Building Elementary Particles from Funnel Vortexes
We suppose that funnel vortexes of orons combine to give a bigger funnel vortex. Some such bigger
funnel vortexes may combine to give a much bigger funnel vortex, and so on. In this way one may build the whole world, from
orons to galaxies and clusters. The same simple rules may work in oron sea and cosmology. It seems very simple. all we have
to do is just to transfer known phenomena from one level of dimensions to another level of dimensions; from cosmology to fluids
on Earth, and from fluids on Earth to oron sea. Since we regard funnel vortexes of orons as basic elementary particles it
seems naturally to suppose that all the phenomena we measure in high energy experiments are the results of creations, destructions,
decaying and annihilations of vortexes in oron sea. We wish to bring here some nice examples to possibilities of combining
elementary particles from basic elementary particles (funnel vortexes). We are aware to the possibility that one may find
better ways to make those combinations for the specific examples we treat here. Any way, the concept of oron sea should not
depends on our success to build the best combination. Although there are many hints about the existence of quarks they have
not been found freely, in experiments, so far. It is quiet possible to describe quarks as funnel vortexes with specific behavior
which give rise to their quantum numbers, as we do in section 6. It is also possible to construct elementary particles from
quarks according to the known combinations. One may use one or another of the successful theories in elementary particles
and, with the aid of OST, show how particles decay through quarks or other fundamental particles. But, in spite of all this,
we feel that it is much simpler to describe every particle as consists of the particles to which it most probable decays.
Our main line is to take the most probably decays of a specific elementary particle and try to guess which is the big funnel
vortex and which small funnel vortex, or vortexes, sit inside it's quiet cone and how several such vortexes may give other
elementary particles We give here only few examples to show how it works. Let us follow the summary tables of particle properties
{4} and explain qualitatively the main elementary particles with the aid of OST. In this section one may use Fig (?). Gamma:
Gamma, or photon, was described in Sec. 3 This "particle" have a spin 1 and, zero mass and zero electric charge. Thus, according
to what we have explained previously, the gamma should have a zero slope. It seems to be like a pair of cylindrical vortexes.
If this pair transverse the oron sea in a direction of the longitudinal axes of those cylinders, the pair may be broken while
creating a pair of equal funnel vortexes, with none zero slopes because we have now also movement in another direction, and
with opposite rotational directions. We may recognize in OST those last as a pair of electron and positron or any other pair
of elementary particles.
As we explained above, we regard an electron as a basic funnel vortex. That means spiral streams
which create a funnel vortex of a specific slope and may have also a quiet cone. The slope should be exactly as the slope
of the proton vortex. Otherwise there is not a perfect fit between the gradients of their spirals and different parts of the
electron vortex feel different strengthens of attracting forces. Thus the electron vortex main axis become perpendicular to
the main axis of the proton vortex and it escapes away from the proton. Inside the quiet cone of an electron vortex there
might be a place for an electron-noitrino vortex. According to last measurements the rest mass of an electron-noitrino is
less than 18 eV. That means it's rest mass is smaller than that of an electron by a factor of at least 25,000. According to
our explanation above, this factor may be also not far from the relation between their volumes. Thus it is possible that an
electron-noitrino vortex may sit inside the quiet cone of an electron vortex. If we adopt this possibility we may suggest
the possibility that while the electron is inside the quiet cone of another bigger particle its wide side becomes more narrow,
since there are very weak streams there. Thus the noitrino can't escape from the quiet cone of the electron vortex. But when
the electron escapes out of the bigger particle, it's quiet cone is opened and the electron- noitrino escapes very quickly,
because it is so small. This explanation show us also why noitrinoes are of a specific helicity. There is only one possibility
for a noitrino to escape out of the quiet cone of an electron. Another possibility is that the electron-noitrino vortex is
build up during the time the electron escapes from the quiet cone of the particle inside which it is sitting. This possibility
should not be skipped, since it is possible that inside the quiet cone there may be created many streams, during that escape,
and we have recognized such streams as responsible to a creation of vortexes. The same may be regarded to muon and muon-noitrino.
We may regard a muon as a funnel vortex which is constructed of an electron vortex who was enlarged by a storm, or by strong
streams in oron sea, so that it's larger quiet cone includes in it an electron-noitrino, close to the narrow region of the
cone, and a muon-noitrino close to the wide side of the cone. Thus when those two noitrinoes find their way out of the wide
side of that cone, as was explained above, we have the familiar weak decay of muon to electron, electron-noitrino and muon-
noitrino. It seems to us that the story of the next lepton, tau, and it's noitrino might be very similar. Here we have the
possibility that the muon is enlarged and includes it's noitrino and the tau-noitrino in it's quiet cone. Since the muon was
recognized here as enlarged electron vortex, we must not be surprised to find out two main possible decays of tau: to muon,
muon-noitrino and tau-noitrino, or to electron, electron-noitrino and tau-noitrino. OST help us to predict also the shape
of a noitrino. We are used to regard noitrinoes as elementary particles without electric charge. Thus in OST their vortexes
should have zero slope. But, since it is expected that they may have small mass, we may treat them as vortex rings. The behavior
of vortex rings in ordinary fluids may be found in many books, e.g. Art 164 of Ref. 1 and Sec. 7.2 of Ref.2. One of the interesting
behavior of two close vortex rings is the interchanging between them while one goes through the other which later go through
the first and so force, as one may see in rings of a smoke of a cigaret. This behavior may be the explanation for interchanging
between noitrinoes of different kinds, which seems as if the same noitrino changes its characters, as late results from experiments
show. Another possible behavior of an electron and a noitrino is that an electron may have a noitrino in orbits around it.
This may give spin 1 of a W boson. The same may be said about muon and tau. We also remember that inside a quiet cone the
forces are opposite to what those outside the funnel vortex. If we accelerate a funnel vortex in an ordinary fluid, thus also
in oron sea, it becomes bigger, thus its mass is higher, and in addition its quiet cone becomes bigger too. Thus when we collide
a very rapid electron with a very rapid positron we may expect to find a positron inside the larger quiet cone of an electron,
or an electron inside the larger quiet cone of a positron. that may explain the Z boson. The same phenomena may be expected
with muons and taus. Thus we predict that Z particle may decay also to a pair of taus. According to the above explanations
of lepton we may refer to noitrinoes as ring leptons and to the other leptons, i.e. electron, muon and tau, as funnel leptons.
Let us see now another important issue. As we have explained above, every basic funnel vortex have a quiet cone. In this quiet
cone we expect to find, in certain situations, a very small vortex, may be of the order of 10-3 times the volume of the bigger
vortex. so that its size may be about one tenth that of the bigger one. If it's size is more than this, it may not be able
to enter the quiet cone. If it is much smaller than that, e.g. less then 10-6 times the volume of the big vortex, it may be
kicked out so quickly that we may not even be able to recognize any "new" particle. In the same way we may expect to find
the big funnel vortex while it is nested inside the quiet cone of a much bigger funnel vortex, may be with volume a thousand
times more than that of the big vortex. And so on and on. Thus funnel vortexes may be nested inside each other like egg inside
egg inside egg, etc. More over, we predict that an electron-noitrino may have in its own quiet cone, which might be also the
central core of a vortex ring (p. 241 Ref. 1), a much smaller particle, of the order of less than 10-3 eV. This particle is
expected to be of the family of orons. That it, its free flight velocity is expected to be only less than 1 cm/s than c. Let
us call those particles a-orons. We don't see now any reason why that chain may not continue. Thus those a-orons may have
in their quiet cones much smaller orons, may be of the order of 10-6 eV, which we may call here b-orons. Those b-orons are
expected to move freely faster than a-orons, but yet less than c. We may continue in this way to more and more smaller orons
until, may be, we arrive to orons which move freely exactly in the theoretical speed of light in vacuum, c. Let us call those
last orons: light-orons. In OST we regard those light-orons as the very basic components of oron sea, as much as one regards
a molecule of water as the very basic component of a pure sea. In ordinary fluid one may find vortexes inside vortexes, from
a vortex with a size of microns to a vortex with a size of the globe.
The spin zero of charged meson s are the reason to our interpretation that those meson s composed
of funnel vortex leptons, like muons, surrounded by ring vortex leptons, like noitrinoes. Thus a pi-plus may be composed of
muon-plus, around which there is a noitrino's ring making circles in adequate angles. Fig. (?) shows one possibility. The
rotational direction of this vortex ring should be opposite to the rotational direction of the muon-plus. Thus there is an
attraction between them, stronger than electromagnetic; thus the pi-plus is an hadron, but weaker then the strong force; thus
the life time is compactly long than in a strong interaction. One may regard it as semi-strong interaction, or as semi-weak
interaction, since the muon is captured the ring by its strong spiral streams, but on the other side the muon sits inside
the quiet cone of the noitrino vortex ring where the field is weak. The pi-zero is probably composed of two gammas, which
we explained above. The two gammas may go in orbits one around the other. Thus we have again a phenomenon of a ring inside
which there is a vortex, or vortexes. This phenomenon may behave as a strong sink of orons , who pass in the region between
the ring and the vortex inside it. Thus we have the reason to the great, and almost equal, gravitational rest masses of the
pions. The kions are seems to be composed of some pions, which go in several orbits. Thus giving a group of vortexes with
more complicated movements, which we may recognized as new quantum numbers, like strangeness etc. Barions: We may regard a
neutron as a proton vortex with an electron vortex inside it's quiet cone. Since the electron vortex is so small compared
to the proton vortex, one may expect many bounces of the electron inside the quiet cone of the proton vortex. This may explain
the so long life time, 898 sc., of a neutron. The spin 1/2 of a neutron is as explained above. In high energy experiments
we create other quasi-stable particles, like lamda and other barions. In OST we regard those particles as funnel vortexes
of smaller or higher strengthens (masses) and volumes. Suppose we have two funnel vortexes, A and B, with the same slope,
which means here the same electric charge. If A has more volume, which means more strength of the vortex as a sink, and thus
more mass, it's wide side is expected to be wider then that of B, and we expect that it's quiet cone will be also wider. For
example, When we create in experiments a funnel vortex of lamda we expect that its quiet cone will be wider than that of a
proton vortex. Thus it is possible that a pion may be able to be inside the quiet cone of lamda vortex, at least in its upper
part, near the wide side of that vortex, even if that pion can't be inside the quiet cone of a proton vortex, because the
pion vortex is too big for that cone. That explains the much shorter life times of a lamda, relative to that of a neutron,
in spite of the fact that it is , yet, very long compared to life times of the former case, which represents strong interactions.
Other barions, except omega minus which was explained above, are seamed to be build of a proton vortex which includes leptons
and/or meson es in it's quiet cone. The rules, which govern how many of each small vortex may be included in that quiet cone,
may be deduced from geometry and other properties of each funnel vortex. As a thumb rule we may say that the dimensions of
a funnel vortex, who "wish" to be in a quiet cone of another funnel vortex, should not be too big, so that it can go inside,
but it should not be too small (if it is alone there), since than it should be thrown very quickly out of the wide side of
the quiet cone. If there are more than one particle in the quiet cone, the situation is a little bit complicated, but yet
we may demand that the smaller particles may sit deeper in that cone. We have mentioned above that when one funnel vortex
"swallow" another funnel vortex it became larger and heavier. Thus we understand now what are all those decays we see in experiments.
A huge particle may decay in steps by throwing particles from its cone one by one, or in groups, until we are left with a
proton vortex which has no particles in it's "belly". When we do collision experiments, with higher and higher energies, we
simply create funnel vortex with more and more small funnel vortexes in it's quiet cone. The behavior of those small funnel
vortexes become more and more complicated, since there are more new kinds of funnel vortexes, which may have even smaller
vortexes in their own quiet cones. Thus we have to imply new quantum numbers to those new complicated vortexes, which we have
made by those stronger collisions of oron vortexes in oron sea. This is all the secret of the elementary particles. It is
clear from this story that if we continue to enhance the energies of the colliding particles we may find new particles, to
whom we should have to give new quantum numbers, which , if are to be explained by quarks, means "new" quarks. The question
now is: if the story of decays of elementary particles is, as was explained above, a gradually throwing of small particles
from the "belly" of a big particle, than how is it that the quark theory is so successful. OST answers that question too,
as we show now.
- Quarks in OST
Let us imagine that we take a funnel vortex of a proton and we do a cut along it's longitudinal
axis, as in Fig. (?) We see a big triangle which is divided to three triangles by the two lines of the quiet cone. We expect
that the middle triangle will be narrow than the others in its both sides. That is because we expect the quiet cone not to
be too wide relative to the wideness of the spiral streams of which that funnel vortex is build. We remember that we have
connected the quantity of the electric charge, of a funnel vortex, with it's cone angle, or slope. We also remember that the
quiet cone extract opposite forces than the outer streams. Thus it seems as if that funnel vortex of the proton is composed
of three sub funnel vortexes. The two vortexes on both sides may be regarded here as U vortexes. The vortex in the middle
may be regarded here as a D vortex. According to what we have just explained, the U vortex may have an electric charge +2/3,
while the D vortex may have an electric charge -1/3. One may say that this proton has sub-vortexes U,D,U. This situation resembles
the concept of quarks. Thus we may regard here those sub-vortexes as quarks, in spite of the fact that those sub- vortexes
may be not real at all, but behave as real when one looks at the results of collisions between a proton and an electron, where
it seems as if the proton has three different parts, each of which seems to behave like an independent vortex. This explanation
may give us some hints to the possible shapes and sizes of quark vortexes if they exist in reality. Now, if we insert an enlarged
electron vortex (electron and its noitrino) into the quiet cone of that proton vortex, we expect some changes in it. First
of all the quiet cone is supposed to become wider. Since the bouncing electron inside it supposed to push the walls of that
cone. The other change is very interesting. We know that outside the cone, the electric charge of the electron is -1. But
inside the cone it is bounced back and force, as if it has a positive electric charge, +1, like the proton has. Since the
quiet cone looks as if it has an electric charge -1/3, the addition of the electric charge +1 of the electron gives a total
of +2/3. Now, the triangles on both sides become narrow, and since the rotational directions of their streams should be opposite
to the rotational direction of the quiet cone, we receive two triangles with electric charge -1/3 each. Thus as a result of
inserting that enlarged electron into the quiet cone of the proton vortex, we receive a neutron with quarks D,U,D. When the
enlarged electron escapes out of that quiet cone, while being broken to an electron and electron-noitrino the situation is
changed to be the former one, that is a proton vortex with resembles of quarks U,D,U. We wish to add here some words about
additivity of masses. In OST we regard a mass as the strength of a funnel vortex as a sink. When we bring two funnel vortexes
very close, or even one inside the other, we don't have to count the total strength as a simple addition of the strengths
of the separate vortexes. Instead, one should do a superposition of the strengths, which sometimes give more than the mere
sum, but sometimes may give even less. On such phenomena one may explain all the aerodynamics of airplanes. That explain why
we receive different "sums" of masses of elementary particles. We know that Tornadoes, or other vortexes in ordinary fluids,
may combine to give a mother vortex, in which there are several small vortexes rotate around their own axes in addition to
rotation around the axis of the mother vortex. Pictures of Tornadoes taken, lately, by satellites, shows this feature very
clearly. It is also clear that there are certain rules in those combinations of vortexes. In OST we suppose that similar phenomena
exist also in oron sea and the same rules are, presumably, good here too. All those pictures bring us to try to regard quarks
as funnel vortexes of orons, which change their behavior while being in the surrounding of other funnel vortexes. Such transformations,
from one kind of vortex to another kind, are well known in ordinary fluids. For example that Tornado could be a kind of a
big funnel vortex which transforms to several sub funnel vortexes, and vise versa, many times during the time that Tornado
exist. In OST we may expect the same phenomenon in which a proton passes transformations between few situations. One of the
situation might be that of a basic funnel vortex. The other situation might be that of three sub-funnel vortexes, which we
may call quarks. If one add to that proton an enlarged electron one may have a new particle with possible transformations
between those two situations. If one adds to the proton vortex a pion one receive also the situation that one of the quarks
may have inside its quiet cone the pion vortex. Thus its behavior now is different and we name this new kind a stranger. If
other quarks receive a pion too than we go up with the number of strangeness. The omega may be such a proton in which there
are three pions. Here there are possible several situations between which the omega may transforms in very short times. The
first situation is the simplest one, in which all the pions are nested inside the enlarged quiet cone of the proton vortex,
and they are injected outside that cone, one by one, according to the process we have explained above. The other situation
is that in which one pion is nested in the quiet cone of each of the three quarks. Thus we receive the behavior of three strangeness.
Those strangenesses may interact among themselves so that the pions may escape one by one or other combinations. Those transformations
between the situations of the same particle may give us one possible explanation to the question why we have not seen a free
quark so far. Another explanation is that while a quark is taken away from the surrounding of the other quarks it's vortex
becomes that of a basic funnel vortex, which means an electric charge 1. There is a third interest possibility to that puzzle.
We know that in Tornadoes the sub funnel vortexes are spiraling around the axis of the mother Tornado in addition to their
spiraling around their own axes. If quarks do the same, and in OST we assume they may, it is possible that the quarks are
banded one around the other, like three ropes spiralling together. Thus, if this is the true situation, one should not be
surprised to encounter difficulties while trying to receive in experiment a free quark. Other issue we want to treat now is
about the basic philosophy of quarks. Now, that we are used to think about a particle as a funnel vortex in oron sea we may
try to build particles from basic funnel vortexes. Let us remind that we call a basic funnel vortex to a funnel vortex without
any other vortex inside its quiet cone. This basic funnel vortex have a certain slope, i.e. a certain electric charge 1 and
spin 1/2. We may choose the electron as a representative of such a basic funnel vortex. We remember that the sign of the electric
charge is connected to the rotational direction of the vortex and we choose that sign so that when looking from the wide side
of the vortex toward its narrow side the positive sign is that of clockwise. We regard an electron as a basic funnel vortex
with sign "-". We assume that muon and tau are two other basic funnel vortexes with different strengthens. A positron is also
a basic funnel vortex, exactly like the electron, but with positive sign. Noitrinoes may be regarded as ring vortexes, as
we have explained. In principle we don't see now any reason why there should not be basic funnel vortexes much bigger than
the tau. Thus we regard leptons, except noitrinoes, as basic funnel vortexes. Now, if we put together two basic funnel vortexes
of the same sign, they may repulse each other and the situation is not stable. If we put together two basic funnel vortexes
with opposite signs they may attract each other and may even collide to give for some moment a stable particle. Now when those
two vortexes come close the may change their characteristics as a result of the interaction. Thus we may receive meson s as
a compositions of two quarks. It seems that the most stable situation is when there are three basic funnel vortexes spiraling
one around the other without impact, while one is negative and the other two positive, or one is positive and the other two
negative, i.e. proton and antiproton. It is expected that while they are in the interactions the characters of those basic
funnels may be changed. The funnels may become sharper, thus having an electric charge less than one. Thus we may explain
in this way how quarks are created from basic funnel vortexes. Another point of view to treat quarks may be given here. When
we look in Nature about funnel vortexes we see many kinds of behaviors. Some funnel vortexes are banded because of winds,
as the smoke out of a chimney; others are making spirals in addition to their own spirals, and so force. If we treat quarks
as funnel vortexes we may explain some new quantum numbers, like strangeness, charm, bottomness and topness as the results
of such kinds of behaviors of funnel vortexes in oron sea. There are several possibilities to explain every quantum number
with the aid of a funnel vortex. We have to search all those possibilities more deeply before we assign a specific quantum
number to a specific behavior of a funnel vortex.
- Speed of Light in OST
When we see all the phenomena one may explain by OST we can't ignore the possibility that there
is in reality an oron sea, which has the characters we have mentioned above, and where all the phenomena of Nature take place.
The real question is not whether such an oron sea do exist, but whether one may explain Michelson-Morley experiment, and other
experiments regarding light's speed, with the aid of OST. We have to remember that those experiments have caused to the cancelation
of the notion of ether by the relativistic theory. OST is supposed to be consistence with the private and general theories
of relativity. Thus it seems, at first thought, that OST has no justification, unless it explains also those experiments.
So, let us explain here some phenomena regarding light and the results of Michelson-Morley experiment by OST. In a specific
ordinary fluid the speed of sound is determined by the free flight velocity of the molecules composed that fluid. Therefore
the speed of sound is independent on the movements of the objects which create, or absorb, the waves of sound. The speed of
sound is a characteristic of the medium alone, but not of the characteristics of objects immersed in that medium. That is
the reason why we continue to ear an airplane, who flight in a speed greater then the speed of sound, even after it passes
above our head. This give rise also to Doppler effect in sound waves. We don't see any reason why those same phenomena would
not be valid also in a medium like oron sea, which differ from ordinary fluid only by the free flight velocity of it's particles.
Thus it seems natural to expect that the speed of light would not be depend upon any objects except the characteristics of
the oron sea itself. That is why the speed of light is independent upon the direction it goes or upon the velocity of the
object emitting the light or receiving it. That explains also Doppler effect in electrodynamics and why light do not dragged
with the Earth, thus giving rise to the aberration phenomenon. Thus the simple explanation to Michelson-Morley experiment
is the possible existence of a medium which composed of particles who have free flight velocity equal, or very close,to the
theoretical speed of light in vacuum, c. That is exactly what we mean by oron sea. This oron sea explains also the phenomena
of the relativistic theories, which introduce it's concepts from phenomena in fluid mechanics. OST give us also the opportunity
to understand, more deeply, why time and space are changed in relative motion. This issue may be treated in another article,
which will bring the formalism of OST.
In this article we introduced, for the first time, Oron Sea Theory (OST). The idea of this theory
is that one may explain all the phenomena of Nature, including those of elementary particles, by the simple assumption that
Nature repeat itself again and again in all levels of dimensions. That is OST assumes that every phenomenon we meet in one
level, i.e. a molecular fluid, exist also in all other levels like in the levels above us, i.e. cosmology, and in the levels
under ordinary fluids, down to a medium of very tinny particles, called here orons, which have averaged free flight velocity
very close to the theoretical speed of light in vacuum. According to OST this medium, oron sea, have all the characteristics
of a molecular sea except that it's particles are much smaller and move much faster. This is all the theory. All the rest
of this article is only our trials to give a good correspondence between phenomena in molecular fluids and phenomena in elementary
particles. We have tried in this article to give as much correspondence and explanations as may be put in one article. It
is clear that we should bring deeper treatment to each example. We just hope that the hints we gave above are clear enough
to convince one that the concept of oron sea should be considered seriously. One of the most important issue of this article
is that we show how phenomena which are used to be treated only by quantum mechanics, may be received by many corpusculars,
which we have recognized as vortexes in oron sea. Moreover, we bring back all the ideas of many physicists in the last centuries,
regarding correspondence between electromagnetism and fluid dynamics, without inconsistency with the modern physics, including
the relativistic theories. We also show why there might be a justification to QCD and other theories in physics. If one wish
one may find in that oron sea also strings (spirals of orons in vortexes), solitons and other non-linearity theories. The
amazing thing in OST is that one may use it also to explain un- explained phenomena in ordinary fluids and cosmology by looking
at elementary particles experiments. The Navier-Stokes equation of fluid dynamics is not solved analytically so far, as much
as we know, and it is expected that the successful theories of elementary particles should be good also in ordinary fluids
and cosmology. As one may noticed, in all our theory we have not mentioned any physical law. We have talked only about phenomena
and their correspondences in different mediums. The reason is that we believe that if one accepts our point of view one do
not need any rules of Nature. One may ask why the orons behave so. To answer this one may have to look for more deeper rules
of Nature, and in order to explain them one may have to find a more fundamental medium, and so on. Thus we are going in circles
without adequate answers to phenomena of Nature around us. In fact, however deeper we go we have to face the real question
as to the meaning of space and time. Thus we shall see in another article how OST help us to answer this question too and
how one get out of that mysterious circle.
- Hydrodynamics, H. Lamb, Dover Publications New York, 1945
2. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, G. K. Batchelor, Cambridge at the University Press 1967
3. The Tornado, J. T. Snow, Scientific American, April 1984
4. Review of Particle Properties, Physics Letters B, Vol. 204, 14 Apr.1988
Fig. 1 of OST-89 |
Fig. 2 of OST-89 |
Fig. 3 of OST-89 |
Fig. 4 of OST-89 |
Fig. 5 of OST-89 |
Fig. 6 of OST-89 |
Fig. 7 of OST-89 |